News & Events
In memoriam: Pierre Hansen (1940–2025)

Pierre Hansen

Pierre Hansen was a professor at HEC Montréal and a researcher at GERAD in Canada since the early 1990s, fellow of the Royal Society of Canada since 1999, and a member of IAMC since its inception in 2005.

His most recognizable achievement is certainly the development of the Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) metaheuristic, together with the late Nenad Mladenović. VNS proved to be a rather versatile metaheuristic, successfully applicable to a wide range of problems in operations research, that even has its own biannual conference dedicated to it. Pierre and Nenad's original 1997 VNS paper has been cited more than 3,300 times in the literature, while two additional VNS papers on its principles (2001) and its methods (2010) were further jointly cited more than 2,300 times.

Pierre's special “pet” project was the application of VNS in graph theory, where the graph theoretical bounds and inequalities were reformulated as optimization problems for which VNS was employed to find extremal graphs. This long-term project led to the development of the software AutoGraphiX with Gilles Caporossi, computer-assisted enumeration of conjectures relating various pair of graph invariants with Mustapha Aouchiche, as well as a collaboration with a large number of graph theorists and mathematical chemists throughout the world on proving or disproving these conjectures, which resulted in a lengthy series of more than 25 “Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs” papers.

I was lucky enough to meet Pierre back in 2001, still in the early stages of his VNS-for-graphs project and to collaborate with him on AutoGraphiX conjectures involving invariants from spectral graph theory. Pierre was especially proud that AutoGraphiX was often able to find extremal graphs that did not belong to previously known families. Here are instances of two aptly named families from our joint paper “On bags and bugs”:

Pierre Hansen

where bags (left) serve as the graphs with maximum spectral radius among graphs with fixed numbers of vertices and (usual) radius, while bugs (right) serve as the graphs with maximum spectral radius among graphs with fixed numbers of vertices and diameter.

We worked together on similar problems over a number of years, and during that time I was able to find out that, although naturalized Canadian, Pierre was foremost a true Belgian gentleman and a law abiding citizen, not unlike Hercules Poirot from time to time. He was very proud of his Belgian roots and some fine Belgian products: chocolate pralines, comics, or double and triple beers, which we studied in sufficient detail while visiting Universite Libre du Bruxelles together. Pierre was a true jazz afficionado, so that many discussions were held listening to old recordings from his collection or visiting live shows, one of the highlights being Harry Manx's rendition of “The thrill is gone” on a sitar at a blues festival in Peer…

Pierre was a kind and generous person who gave us a lot of good things in his life. May now God give a lot of good things to his soul.

Dragan Stevanović

Obituary: Serge S. Tratch (17. 9. 1946 – 17. 7. 2023)

Dr. Serge S. Tratch

With great sadness, we inform that
Dr Serge S. Tratch
passed away on July 17, 2023.

His entire life from a student to leading researcher was associated with the Lomonosov Moscow State University. After graduation, he started his career as a synthetic organic chemist, but then in 1974 he switched to mathematical chemistry and, working with Professor Nikolay Zefirov, commenced the development of the principles of the formal-logical approach to organic reactions. As a result, a large series of papers was published on the applications of the formal-logical approach to multi-center processes with cyclic electron transfer, to tautomeric processes with new topologies, to the generation of equations characterizing ionic, radical, and redox processes, to organic processes with open and linear-cyclic bond redistribution topologies. Finally, symbolic equations were introduced and their applications to reaction design were discussed. The proposed approach allows easy generation of new types of organic reactions with various bond redistribution topologies using computer programs developed by Dr Tratch, his colleagues and students. Dr Tratch also had suggested new topological indices, introduced a number of mathematical models in stereochemistry, and solved many other important problems in the field of mathematical chemistry. Dr Tratch was a member of IAMC since its foundation in 2005 and actively participated in several IAMC meetings.

He was our friend and colleague, a very pleasant and nice person. The cherished memory of Serge Tratch will remain forever in our hearts.

We express sincere condolences to his family and friends.

IAMC meeting 2023

The IAMC 2023 meeting will be held on Thursday, June 22, 2023, in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.

The meeting of the IAMC will be a hybrid Satellite Event of the 10th Slovenian Conference on Graph Theory (SiCGT 2023):

Those wishing to attend in person should register at:

This will include a dedicated Minisymposium on Chemical Graph Theory, where members of IAMC and others may present talks and, if they wish, submit their papers to DMC, a new peer-reviewed scientific journal that we established. Those members who are unable to attend the Academy meeting in person (or do not wish to pay the conference fee) have the opportunity to attend the meeting free of charge via Zoom.

The meeting will be held from 11:30 to 12:20 (Central European Summer Time). The Zoom link will be sent via email to prevent Zoombombing incidents.

In memoriam: Alireza Ashrafi (1964–2023)

Alireza Ashrafi

On January 9, 2023, we were all shocked and saddened by the news of a premature and tragic departure of our colleague, friend and teacher, Alireza Ashrafi. His life was cut short by a reckless driver who hit Alireza while he was crossing a street on his way home.

Alireza Ashrafi was born in 1964. After graduating at Kharazmi University in 1988, he obtained his MSc degree at the Shahid Beheshti University in 1990 and then earned his PhD degree in computational group theory in 1994 from the University of Tehran. He spent most of his career at the Department of Mathematics of University of Kashan in Kashan, teaching numerous courses, mentoring dozens of MSc and PhD students, writing hundreds of papers, starting and managing several journals, and, along the way, opening vast new areas of research for his students and colleagues.

This note cannot do justice to all of Alireza's work and achievements. One of the reasons is that I am not knowledgeable enough about several areas of his work. The other, more important, is that there is so much of it that it is difficult to obtain exact, or even approximate, numbers of papers, conferences, coauthors and PhD students. Hence, I will restrict myself to my personal impressions and recollections, in particular those relevant for his activity in the areas of mathematical chemistry and chemical graph theory.

I first met Alireza in April 2009, when he invited me to Kashan to the second in series of conferences and workshop in mathematical chemistry. My first impression, of a kind and gentle man, was amply reinforced by our subsequent interactions. Along with it, during our collaboration on several papers and research projects, grew also my respect for his scientific prowess. Above all, I was impressed by his respect and affection for his many PhD students, the feelings which were reciprocated by each and every of them.

The next year, 2010, saw the appearance of the first issue of the Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, a new journal serving the dynamic and rapidly growing area devoted to applications of discrete mathematics to problems of interest in chemistry. As its spiritus movens and its Editor-in-Chief, Alireza managed to keep and preserve a delicate balance between the opposing forces of the sterile ivory-tower elitism and greedy publish-or-perish culture. The journal grew in both quality and prestige and became a standard venue for publishing timely and relevant research. Similar success has been in making for Mathematics Interdisciplinary Research, another scientific journal Alireza helped to start and manage a couple of years later.

Alireza's great contribution to mathematical chemistry was recognized by his election to the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry, where he actively participated in its governing bodies and served for one term as its vice-president.

Alireza left a great legacy both as a scientist and as a teacher. He was at his best by combining both roles. By sharing his network of international collaborators with his students, and by sharing his circle of young and talented Iranian mathematicians with his foreign colleagues, he has created a vibrant and closely-knit community of researchers which helped to make Iran not only visible but also a prominent actor in the global mathematical chemistry community.

To finish on a very personal note, I will be always thankful to Alireza for his first invitation. He and other Iranian colleagues opened to me not only their hearts and homes, but also a window into the soul of Iran, allowing me thus to fall in love with the country and with its people.

Thank you, Alireza, and may your soul rest in peace.

Tomislav Došlić

Chemical Graph Theory Conference, Sombor, Serbia, June 3–5, 2022

The Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Kragujevac and the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geosciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts are jointly organising an international conference on chemical graph theory in Sombor, Serbia from June 3–5, 2022.

The conference is primarily organised to celebrate recent introduction of the codes 05C09 Graphical indices (Wiener index, Zagreb index, Randić index, etc.), and 05C92 Chemical graph theory in the Mathematics Subject Classification 2020, which recognise chemical graph theory as an independent subject area within graph theory.

The conference will be held in Sombor, Serbia. While Sombor is already well known for its greenery, cultural life and beautiful historical city center, it is quickly becoming famous among chemical graph theorists also for the recently introduced Sombor index.

Conference website:

Seminar for Biomathematics and Mathematical Chemistry

Monthly research seminar for biomathematics and mathematical chemistry is intended for formal and informal acquaintance with the latest achievements in the fields that intertwine the use of mainly discrete mathematical and computer methods in chemistry and biosciences. At the seminar, researchers and doctoral students report on their results. On the other hand, it also enables informal meetings of those interested in joint research work on concrete open problems.


If you would like to contribute a talk, please contact Dr Nino Basic via email.

IAMC meeting 2019
The IAMC 2019 meeting will be held on June 27 and June 28, 2019, in Bled, Slovenia.
The meeting will be a satellite event of the 9th Slovenian International Conference
on Graph Theory - Bled'19:
The conference venue for both events is Hotel Kompas, Bled.

IAMC meeting 2016
The IAMC 2016 meeting will be held in Tianjin (China), July 4-8, 2016. Details can be found here:
Participants of IAMC 2016 meeting

Who is on the photo? Front row (left to right): Xiaofeng Guo, Ivan Gutman, Bojan Mohar, Michel Deza, and Xueliang Li. Back row (left to right): Ali Iranmanesh, Alireza Ashrafi, Tomislav Došlić, Ernesto Estrada, Sandi Klavžar, Subhash C. Basak, Paul Mezey, Damir Vukičević, and Pierre Hansen.

IAMC meeting 2015
The IAMC 2015 meeting will be held in June in Kranjska Gora (Slovenia). The web page
of the meeting is:
After the finish of the IAMC meeting, in the same place the 8th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory will take place:

Lifetime achievement award to Subhash Basak
The department of chemistry of the Aliah University awarded the IMAC member Subhash Basak for his lifetime achievement in the field of mathematical chemistry.

News from Split 2014
The IAMC 2014 meeting was held in Split (Croatia), from June 8 until June 10, 2014.
The election for the new IAMC board (2014– 2016) was held with the following results:
President: Milan Randić
EU vice-President: Sandi Klavzar
America vice-president: Douglas J. Klein
Asia vice-president: Xueliang Li
Secretary: Damir Vukičević
Treasurer: Dejan Plavšić
Past-President: Roberto Todeschini
Past-President: Alexandru T. Balaban

During the works of the Academy, four new Members were elected:
Mihai V. Putz (Roumania)
Guillermo Restrepo (Colombia)
Tomislav Došlić (Croatia)
Heping Zhang (China)

New tutorial section
A new section with tutorials and examples uploaded by the IAMC members havs been added to the web site, explore it here.

Minutes of Bled 2011
the minutes of the IAMC 2011 meeting (Bled, Slovenia) are available as pdf file here.

News from Bled 2011
The seventh IAMC meeting was held in Bled (Slovenia) in 19-22 June 2011.
The election for the new IAMC board (2011 – 2013) was held with the following results:
President: Roberto Todeschini
Vice-President: Edward Kirby
Vice-President: Sandy Klavzar
Secretary: Ante Graovac
Tresurer: Drazen Vikic-Topic

During the works of the Academy, five new Members were elected:
Vladimir Batagelj (Slovenia)
Xueliang Li (China)
Nenad Raos (Croatia)
Kurt Varmuza (Austria)
Peter Willett (UK)

New books
Series: Carbon Materials: Chemistry and Physics Vol. 4
The mathematics and topology of fullerenes
Cataldo, Franco; Graovac, Ante; Ori, Ottorino (Eds.)
1st Edition., 2011, 289 p., Springer, all details here

Mathematical methods and modelling for students of chemistry and biology
Graovac, Ante; Gutman, Ivan; Vukičević, Damir (Eds.)
2009, 271 p., HUM naklada d.o.o., ISBN 978-953-6954-40-7

The 26th MATH/CHEM/COMP 2011 COURSE & CONFERENCE will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from June 13-18, 2011. Further information here:

New books in the Mathematical Chemistry Monographs
Novel Molecular Structure Descriptors - Theory and Applications I.
Novel Molecular Structure Descriptors - Theory and Applications II
Editors: Ivan Gutman and Boris Furtula
University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia
Further details can be found here:

New members of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry
At the 5th Meeting of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry (Dubrovnik, June 14-16 2009), Igor. I. Baskin (Russia), Viviana Consonni (Italy), Douglas M. Hawkins (USA) and Joan Tomescu (Roumania) have been elected as new members of the Academy.

Awards granted to IAMC members
The "International Award Latium Between Europe and the Mediterranean for Medicine, Physics or Chemistry" was granted in Rome in the year 2006 to Dejan Plavsic, the former Treasurer of the IAMC, for his contributions to graph theory and molecular topology. His papers published in "Chemical Physics Letters" are awarded by this journal as two of its most cited fifty papers in the period from 2003-2007.

The Annual Award of the Republic of Croatia for Science in 2008 was granted to Ante Graovac, the Secretary of the IAMC, for his achievements in sciences, especially to mathematical chemistry.

Distance-descriptors in whose development István Lukovits has been involved
A recent paper by Bono Lučić, Sonja Nikolić and Nenad Trinajstić has been published. It is a brief review of various molecular descriptors based on graph-theoretical distances, with a special emphasis on those distance-descriptors in whose development István Lukovits has been involved.

Distance-Related Molecular Descriptors
Bono Lučić, Sonja Nikolić, and Nenad Trinajstić
Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design, 2008, 7, 195-206
pdf reprint:
web site:

MCC 2009 Course & Conference
MCC 2009 Course & Conference will be held in Hotel "Lero" (Dubrovnik), June 8-13, 2009. All informations on the meeting are to be found at:

Past Events
IAMC meeting 2010
Sixth IAMC meeting, Dubrovnik, June 5-6, 2010.

IAMC meeting 2009
Fifth IAMC meeting, Dubrovnik, June 14-16, 2009.

IAMC meetings 2008 and MCC08
Fourth IAMC meeting and MATH/CHEM/COMP 2008 . June 9 & June 10-13, 2008 - Hotel Il Chiostro, Verbania-Intra (Italy)

IAMC meetings 2007 and MCC07
Third IAMC meeting and the 22th International Course & Conference on the Interfaces among Mathematics, Chemistry & Computer Sciences, Dubrovnik June 7-9, 2007

IAMC meeting 2006 and MCC06
Second IAMC meeting and the 21th International Course & Conference on the Interfaces among Mathematics, Chemistry & Computer Sciences. June 19-24, 2006, Dubrovnik, Croatia

IAMC meeting 2005 and MCC05
First IAMC meeting and the 20th International Course & Conference on the Interfaces among Mathematics, Chemistry & Computer Sciences. June, 20-25, 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia

TOPMOL Conference
TOPMOL Conference to be held in Cluj (Romania), Sept. 25-30, 2006. Chemical Graph Theory, QSAR/QSPR, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Workshop on Ranking Methods - 2006
The Workshop on Ranking Methods and Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Environmental Sciences (October, 2 - 4, 2006 - Verbania, Italy) is organized jointly by the University of Milano-Bicocca, the Joint Research Centre of Ispra (JRC) and the Italian Chemometric Society.